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Learning Java

·241 words·2 mins

During the last year I have been working quite a bit in Java, when I have been making my Minecraft plugins. But my journey in Java started about six years earlier when I first got in to Minecraft plugins and coding. Being quite impatient back then I did not listen when all of the the tutorials I watched started off with: “You should probably learn Java before making plugins for Minecraft.” This wasn’t really a problem for me back then since the code I wrote was very simple. However during the last year my coding in Java has required some more advanced techniques and a better understanding of how Java works and how the different components behave. When I first realized that I didn’t understand all the things that maybe I should I turned to Chat GPT and Gemini. However, after a while I understood that maybe this wasn’t the best idea and that this method didn’t really give me a better understanding of Java. This is when I found a really good Java tutorial series on YouTube by Kaupenjoe. After I watched this, I definitely had some new things to think about and I was able to see the code I had written with a new perspective and understanding. I am definitely not claiming that I am 100% proficient in Java but I feel that these last couple of weeks have helped me quite a lot in my Java journey.